What is EndNote?
EndNote is a reference management software package, used to manage bibliographies and references when writing essays and articles. CKN and Google scholar, as well as University databases all have options to export your saved articles records into EndNote and you can use EndNote with Word and Word for Mac with in-text cite add ons.
How can I access it?
At work: EndNote X9 is available for download onto your work computer via the QH App icon on your computer.
How do I use EndNote?
You can arrange with the Yacca Librarian for help with EndNote basics and getting your EndNote library set up started. Please contact us to arrange an suitable time, this usually takes 30 minutes. We can assist you in the library, via remote desktop access or by visiting you at your office. We also offer group training sessions. Contact the Librarian for further information.
You can also find many great resources on the internet including: