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Yacca Library NWHHS: Tackling Evidence Based Practice

Yacca Library is the Medical Library for the North West Hospital and Health Service (NWHHS).

Welcome to the 'Tackling Evidence Based Practice' online guide!

       The aim of this guide is to help you to:

  • Understand what is evidence based practice and why it is important.
  • Identify and develop PICO questions to frame your project.
  • Identify your type of question to search for information.
  • Know what, where and how to locate the most relevant information for your project.
  • Evaluate your results to find the best evidence available.

We hope you enjoy and learn something new! Please contact the Librarian for further assistance with anything covered here, or to get library books and resources to support you with your project.

Work through the content below before navigating to the first drop down tab 'Ask'.

What does EBP mean to you?

Add in some comments below about what EBP means to you. If other responses are present take note of what others think 'evidence based practice' means to them. Do you notice any similarities or differences to your views?

Why do EBP?

Take a look at the table below.

 It’s important to remember that there are many benefits to EBP for all stakeholders across the hospital service and that your contribution to EBP has an impact on these different areas of the health service for the better.


What is EBP?

“Evidence based medicine is the conscientious, explicit and judicious use of current best evidence in making decisions about the care of individual patients” ...

"it requires a bottom up approach that integrates the best external evidence with individual clinical expertise and patients’ choice”

(Sackett, Rosenberg, Gray, Haynes & Richardson, 1996, pp. 71-72)

We can think of EBP as a stool. It's helpful because it demonstrates that if you take one of the legs away the whole stool comes crashing down.

For example, if you only use your own knowledge, but don’t draw on any new evidence then your stool doesn’t function properly. Or, you may draw on the best clinical evidence from the literature, but if it severely clashes with patient values and preferences then the stool also won't work!

The EBP Cycle

There are many models for implementing evidence based practice, they generally have similar principles as described in this one below.

You will complete all of these steps, however in this session we’re going to get you started and on track to completing the first three steps: Ask, Acquire and Appraise.

Hover over the title/tab 'Tackling Evidence Based Practice' at the top of the screen and click on 'Step 1: Ask' to get started